Mr. Paul Salatto


Mr. Paul A. Salatto serves as the Chief of Staff for DoDEA Europe South District Superintendents Office planning, coordinating, and directing the operations of 16 schools across four countries supporting over 6100 students.

Mr. Salatto joined DoDEA in 2014 as the Instructional Systems Specialist joining the Professional Development Branch of the Teaching and Learning Division. The branch provides leadership for the development and delivery for professional learning across the DoDEA school system. He was later promoted to lead the Professional Development branch.

Prior to joining DoDEA, Mr. Salatto was an Instructional Specialist in the Department of Instructional Leadership and Support with Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) in Maryland. MCPS is the 17th largest school district within the United States, serving more than 160,000 students in 202 schools.

School improvement was the primary focus of Mr. Salatto’s work in MCPS. The heart of this work was building Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) in school and central office leadership teams. This work included leading teams through a two-year institute and creating opportunities for school/team specific job embedded professional learning. Ultimately, teams produce self-sustaining learning organizations, where they identified essential results and utilized those results to drive learning.

With over 36 years in education, Mr. Salatto has served schools as the resource counselor and began his educational career as a special education teacher working with students struggling with disabilities at the elementary, middle, and high school levels.

DoDEA's official photo of Mr. Paul Salatto. Europe South Chief of Staff.

Mr. Paul Salatto

Chief of Staff

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